Maxwell Named HW Tech100 Winner for Fifth Consecutive Year

Maxwell is thrilled to be named a HousingWire Tech100 winner for the fifth year running. HW Tech100, which unveiled 2021’s winners earlier in the week, honors industry innovators creating dynamic change within the mortgage process, from origination to closing. This year’s award is especially meaningful in light of the unique challenges mortgage professionals and homebuyers faced in 2020.
“After the uncertainty and unpredictability of last year, we expected a greater adoption of technology. However, these 100 real estate and mortgage companies took digital disruption to a whole new level and propelled a complete digital revolution, leaving a digital legacy that will impact borrowers, clients, and companies for years to come,” said HousingWire Managing Editor Brena Nath.
“Knowing what these companies were able to navigate and overcome, we’re excited to announce this year’s list of the most innovative technology companies serving the mortgage and real estate industries.”
Despite market volatility and unforeseen circumstances, 2020 was a landmark year for our company. In May, we launched our Fulfillment Platform, providing small to midsize lenders the flexibility to adjust their processing and underwriting capacity to meet market demands. The popularity of this new service, along with consistent improvements to our digital mortgage platform, resulted in rapid growth of our team. Over the course of the year, we said hello to more than 154 new employees—valued team members we’ve eagerly gotten to know over Zoom.
We’ve undoubtedly been fortunate to not only survive, but thrive in the face of a trying year. The HW Tech100 award reminds us how lucky we are to be able to continue leveraging our growing team to play our part in evolving the mortgage industry—and how much work we have ahead of us. Alongside the other innovators on HousingWire’s list of 2021 winners, we can’t wait to continue on our journey in serving our customers and the growing community lender segment.
“I’ve been involved in choosing Tech100 winners since we started the program in 2014, and every year it manages to get more competitive,” HousingWire Editor and Chief Sarah Wheeler said. “These companies are truly leading the way to a more innovative housing market!”
To learn more about the services Maxwell offers to over 250 small to midsize lenders, visit our features page.