[eBook] Originator Connect 2018 Conference Recap

Back in August, mortgage originators from around the country descended on Sin City to test their luck at the roulette table, network with fellow originators, and learn from some of the best in the business.
Conference mayhem was in full swing at Originator Connect 2018. As with any great conference, Originator Connect 2018 featured a robust agenda with a number of talented speakers and thought-provoking sessions. If your time at Originator Connect was like ours, you probably missed out on some valuable sessions due to a jam-packed schedule.
I’d be willing to bet I’m not the only one who suffered from conference FOMO, and that’s why Maxwell teamed up with the Originator Connect team to bring you our latest eBook, “The Originator Connect 2018 Conference Recap,” to recap the conference and share some of the key takeaways and helpful insights you might have missed out on.
Read on for advice and insights straight from the minds of Originator Connect’s best and brightest: