Accelerate the loan application process
Our proprietary QuickApply™ feature allows your borrowers to auto-populate fields in their loan application at the click of a button, speeding them through the process for a seamless experience.
Drive more loan volume
To begin QuickApply, borrowers simply provide the last four digits of their social security number and zip code. With their consent, Maxwell aggregates data from its network of partners to pre-populate loan application fields, including name, address, contact details, employment history, and more. Asset balance data is optionally available with bank credentials.
- Convert more leads by increasing your loan application completion rate more than 7% with QuickApply.
- Turn dropped leads into customers by driving a 98% loan completion rate. On average, Maxwell lenders see a 967% ROI through QuickApply.
- Deliver accurate data through Maxwell’s network of data partners, which verify the consumer’s identity while leveraging a host of sources, including assets.
QuickApply’s impact by the numbers
Experience measurable business impact by helping borrowers through your loan application and driving more volume.
More completed loan apps
Loan app completion rate